Monday, July 9, 2012

Cruising around Banff

A few pics near the Banff Springs Hotel near the GDR trailhead. Headed down the trail a bit just to let my tread get a feel of the GDR and couldn't believe how wild and remote it felt. The only thing holding me back is my little ibex trailer to haul all my gear (thanks United Airlines).

Here's the weight breakdown at this point (seems a little on the heavy side, thinking I may have to donate a couple of books before I hit the trail)...

Salsa El Mariachi bike: 32 lbs
BOB Trailer: 22 lbs
BOB dry bag loaded with gear: 42lbs
Additional dry bag: (food, water, books, electronics) 23 lbs

Total weight: 119 lbs Ouch! The legs are gonna feel that on those long climbs over the passes.


  1. That does sound heavy! Good luck Jay! We'll be following your progress. Hope your trailer gets there soon!

  2. To bad we need so much to survive and have a couple pieces of comfort, seems like it would be nice to just take the bike with it's bags only huh... The pounds really add up quick especially when you are on an extended trip. I am so pumped fro you cuz, you look like your in an amazing place and the facial hair, well, I dig it man! Take care cousin super pumped for ya.
