Friday, July 20, 2012

Tough couple of days

Yesterday was a long hot haul from big fork with lots of climbing via a very
remote patchwork of densely wooded rough fire roads. Ended up putting in the longest daily mileage yet at 74 miles before stumbling into camp at Holland lake.

Today we climbed from the lake up over a pass on some technical trails. I ended up going off route and spent 2 hours attempting to haul my bike and trailer up the side of a mountain on an insanely rough trail. Actually had to disconnect the trailer and haul it over more than a dozen downed trees. Eventually found the correct trail but then on my descent on an amazing stretch of single track I went for a ride over my handlebars while going at a decent clip of about 20-25 mph. I got lucky and ended up getting by with just some minor scrapes and bruises. Feeling strong but a bit beat up right now. Will be camping out in Seeley to wait out a line of storm cells that are passing through.

A quick video from yesterday...


  1. Hi babe... sounds a like a few tough days. Really wish I could be with you tonight. A big hug to you from Sky and I. We really miss you (I really miss you). It looks beautiful up there. We will have to go back some day so you can show me the beauty in person.

  2. You are one tough machine of a man Jay! Hopefully you're able to recharge while the storms pass and I hope you wont be too sore as a bit of time goes by after your spill. Thinking about you and praying daily for an exciting and safe journey! :-)

  3. Thanks for the good thoughts. Someday soon I'm gonna have to make a trip to San Diego to meet that beautiful little girl of yours.

  4. Absolutely! We're not living miles and MILES away from each other anymore. I need to meet Kari and Sky! :)

  5. Glad to hear you didn't separate your AC joint on your tumble-heard those can be painful! I'd like a picture of those legs at the end of this trip-they gotta be RIPPED!!!!

    1. Yup. The layers of residency have melted away and the legs are getting wicked strong. How are you guys liking your new place in Portland? How is Trav liking his fellowship? Any chance you might stay out there after fellowship? If you get the chance check out the Living Room in downtown Portland. It's a wine bar/restaurant with several small intimate theaters playing independent films. Great place to grab some food, a little vino, and watch a movie. We'll have to plan a trip out to Portland maybe late fall or early spring. Nowhere quite rivals Portland except maybe Santa Fe :)
